Daniel Lorn Daniel Lorn


As the sun finally graces the skies of the UK (oh…it’s gone again), I felt it was the right time for a blog to review what is happening in my world and share my plans for the remainder of the year.


It feels like this story has been ‘pending’ for a ridiculous amount of time, but I am pleased to reveal that Sins of the Wronged will soon be available to read on Kindle Unlimited or paperback. This will be a silent drop at some point in June, and only those of you who read this blog can grab it before release. Just get in touch, and provided you have read one of my other stories, I will send you an e-book for your Kindle or other mobile device. If you feel like leaving me a review, this would be fantastic!


Sins of the Wronged has worn me out. The story was challenging to get right, and I have spent too much time on it, which has drastically sapped my energy. I became lost in the process several times and nearly shelved it. Consequently, I have decided to step back from psychological horror for a while. This does not mean I won’t be writing. I merely require some respite to allow my mind a chance to recuperate.


I plan to finish my first folk horror novel, Fear of the Devil, before switching focus to my supernatural horror novellas (yet to be named). One of these is a festive-themed horror tale, which I am keen to push out at the end of 2024.


I have been amazed by the response to my stories this year, and I feel truly blessed to have built up such a healthy readership. Writing can be a lonely process, but knowing that people are out there connecting with my worlds of horror motivates me to continue this exciting journey.

*Raising you all a large glass of the RED stuff!*


During the past two years, I've had the privilege of meeting some truly exceptional authors. The talent in the writing community is awe-inspiring, and the support from fellow authors has been outstanding. When I penned the first draft of See You Later (many moons ago), I could never have imagined being a part of this incredible community.

*Raising yet another glass of the RED stuff!*


Finally, I want to raise a final glass of the RED stuff for Silja Evelyn. Silja is a hugely talented author and a first-class editor with a ridiculous eye for detail. Silja has been fundamental to me as a beta reader and developmental editor. I have left a link below and cannot recommend Silja highly enough.

Yours in horror,

Daniel Lorn

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